ReviewsReview: Blow and Fly

Review: Blow and Fly


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If you own a pet, all you must do is look after it! No matter how large the animal is, all they want is to feel loved and to be safe. Subsequently, if you fail to achieve this, their life will be miserable. This is exactly what happens in Blow and Fly. It’s a tough game of survival and a journey to find a new home.

Developed by Khud0 and published by Eastasiasoft Limited, this is a physics-based puzzle title. Like Super Meat Boy and its peers, Blow and Fly has a deceptively easy concept. Consequently, you’ll be lulled into a false sense of security, you’ll fail, and you’ll be frustrated. Furthermore, you’ll die repeatedly, turn the air blue, and vow to stop playing. However, it’s moreish and tough to put down.

Blow and Fly demands agility and dexterity.
Roll, leap, and hit that toilet.

Blow and Fly gets under your skin. 

Thanks to its simple drip-fed mechanics, Blow and Fly will get under your skin. As you progress, new elements are introduced that’ll help you to traverse each level. This gentle learning curve was essential, as the precise gameplay will drive you insane.

What surprised me was the lack of any story. You are told of an accident and how the fish must find a new water source. Strangely, this was a toilet, the dead fish graveyard! However, this is by the by and becomes a moot point. After the dust settles, no subplot is introduced, and you are left to your own devices. This wasn’t an issue, but it made the transition between zones a little circumstantial at best.

Many mechanics help you to traverse each stage.
Hit the water and carry on.

Secret areas and challenging stages. 

This lack of guidance or plot was confusing. This was more apparent when secret zones were incorporated. As you explore each level, there was a chance to discover a portal to a new area. Here you must use your skills and savvy to overcome each unique stage. However, once you finished each level, there was no reward! Furthermore, you could simply ignore them and it mattered not. This was pointless and strange and made them an unnecessary burden.

As for its stage design, obstacles, and core mechanics, they lack originality. You’ll attempt to overcome spikes, gaps, projectiles, etcetera, etcetera. Sadly, it’s nothing new, but it works well with the protagonist’s skills and abilities. The fish can only roll or shoot water to jump gaps. Once it lands, it can shoot water again. Therefore, you must plan every move, use friction to stay on platforms, and slide to perfection.

Blow and Fly could be any indie platformer.

Though I liked Blow and Fly’s clean look and colourful style, it didn’t wow me. Unfortunately, it felt familiar and lacked originality. Subsequently, it could have been any indie platformer, and this was disappointing. However, I liked the sprites, the contrasting tones that highlighted the obstacles, and the varied backdrops. Furthermore, the animations are smooth and I have experienced no issues.

The lack of originality continued in the audio. The synth-wave music was fun and upbeat and juxtaposed the many dangers you faced. What’s more, the sound effects are chirpy, enjoyable, and matched the madness.

Shoot the water and traverse each level.
Use the water and move around each stage.

An excellent tutorial. 

The developers know that Blow and Fly is testing. Therefore, the controls needed to be excellent and responsive. Luckily, they got it spot on as the game responds instantly to every command. Alongside this, the tutorial for new elements was fantastic. A quick diagram highlights the tasks and you master them instantly. 

Thanks to its brutal ways, secret areas, and large array of levels, it has longevity. However, once you finish it, there is no reason to return. Yes, there are additional characters to unlock, but this is more filler than depth. If the challenges pushed you towards a speedrun or a limited lives mode, then you’d want to keep playing.

Blow and Fly is good, but that’s all. 

I desperately wanted Blow and Fly to impress me. However, it didn’t. It has the ingredients to be a good game, but it never excels. The overwhelming feeling was a lack of originality, and this was disappointing. What’s more, it is bereft of a story and that was unfortunate. If you want a tough, shallow, and inexpensive physics-based puzzler, then buy it here! I, however, am on the fence. Fish need water, and this one is in trouble. Roll, shoot water and get to the toilet ASAP. 


Blow and Fly is a colourful run-of-the-mill platformer. Its concept is familiar, and it breaks no new ground. However, it has the right ingredients to be great, but the delivery lets it down.

+ Colourful graphics.
+ Interesting audio.
+ Responsive controls.

- The secret zones add little depth.
- A lack of story is frustrating.
- Nice level design but they lack originality.

(Rating: PEGI 3 Release date: 25/05/2022 Price: £4.19)

(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Blow and Fly</em> is a colourful run-of-the-mill platformer. Its concept is familiar, and it breaks no new ground. However, it has the right ingredients to be great, but the delivery lets it down. </p><br/> + Colourful graphics. <br/> + Interesting audio. <br/> + Responsive controls. <br/> <br/> - The secret zones add little depth. <br/> - A lack of story is frustrating.<br/> - Nice level design but they lack originality. <br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 3 <b>Release date:</b> 25/05/2022 <b>Price:</b> £4.19)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.)</p><br/>Review: Blow and Fly

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