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Vasilis Tatsiopoulos

I am always watching movies / TV series and playing video games. When I am not, I am writing about them. I play all genres except sports and racing, but I love horror the most. I usually like the second part of a trilogy and dislike the third.

Review: Dread Hunger

John Carpenter’s “The Thing” was made into a game once. But it was not made into the right kind of game. Its premise is...

Review: God of War (PC)

As many things do, games too need to evolve. Eras shift, trends are born and then die, to give way to new ones. Better...

Review: Loop Hero Take a look at this game, Loop Hero, and you’ll probably dismiss it as “another one of those retro-loving indies”. Yes, Loop Hero looks...

Review: Aeterna Noctis It’s nice going into a game without having prior knowledge about it. Usually. However, if the game is Aeterna Noctis, I advise you against...

Review: Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line It’s weird to me that nobody has managed to make something of the Terminator, after the second movie. It’s a very interesting franchise, visually...

Review: Thunder Tier One Looking at Thunder Tier One for the first time, I thought it would either be a run-gun shooter, or a tactical stealth-action game in...

Review: Deathloop Leave it to Arkane Studios to create interesting levels. This studio is exceptional at developing multi-layered stages with a lot of depth that beg...

Review: Moncage Moncage is hard. It’s a puzzle game that looks like it will be a breeze. It gives off this chill, relaxing vibe, but in...

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Review: Metro Simulator 2

A relaxing and challenging simulation game that is perfect for train enthusiasts.

Review: Biomorph

Review: Stellar Blade