ReviewsReview: Amnesia: The Bunker

Review: Amnesia: The Bunker


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Amnesia: The Bunker is a suspenseful horror title that often refers to its predecessor. However, fortunately, you don’t need to have played any of the games from this series to enjoy what unfolds. Instead, you may be confused by some of the lore and the finer points. Yet, this matters not as the core gameplay trundles on regardless.

This first-person horror experience was developed and published by Frictional Games. Moreover, its chilling story is easy to digest even though it will chill you to the bone. If you enjoyed Alien Isolation, you’ll adore an array of similar mechanics. As such, every playthrough is creepy, sinister and wonderfully uncomfortable.

Amnesia: The Bunker proves that death is a welcome release. 

To discuss death and loss so flippantly is a big mistake. Yet, Amnesia: The Bunker toys with this idea throughout. With signs of loss surrounding you and a deadly entity hunting you, it’s unsurprising that death is at the fore of the protagonist’s mind. Yet, this isn’t as depressing as it could have been. Instead, the developers use this sense of despair and loss to create a captivating and scary game.

You play the role of a French soldier who is wounded whilst running through the mud-filled trenches. When he comes around, his world is in turmoil. His squadron is dead, dying, or missing. Furthermore, a creature known as The Stalker hides in the darkness. This bloodthirsty monster creeps around in the shadows and slays anything it catches. Accordingly, you must avoid its attention while you seek a way out of your new prison.

Uncomfortable gameplay. 

Unlike its predecessors, Amnesia: The Bunker focuses on one antagonist. This skulking monster hides inside the walls, under the floors, and within the ceilings. Additionally, it thrives in the dark and it hunts acoustically. Consequently, any noise grabs its attention and darkness is its best friend.

This wouldn’t be so bad, but every task you complete makes a noise. Moreover, The Stalker is practically bulletproof. Therefore, stealth and soiling yourself are your go-to solutions. On top of this, you must keep the lights blazing. If you fail to do so, death is all but guaranteed. 

Sadly, time isn’t on your side either. Yet, a hasty approach creates noise, and noise attracts the beast. It is a fine balance between exploration, problem-solving, and staying alive. 

Hey Mr Stalker, are you stupid?

Alien Isolation blew me away with its sense of AI. The antagonist studied your form and adapted accordingly. Disappointingly, the same can’t be said for Amnesia: The Bunker. The monster is blind to the obvious and playing hide and seek isn’t its forte. Unfortunately, when you realise that skulking under a table will save you, the sense of drama is somewhat reduced.

However, not all is lost as the lack of fuel and a sense of death-induced darkness has a sense of foreboding. As you progress further from the central safe room, you must rely on your watch and a poor-performing generator to keep you safe. Consequently, hiding in the dark whilst watching the sands of time drip away isn’t the smartest of approaches.

This fine balancing act reinstates that underpinning horror edge that we all love. There is nothing worse than the flickering of lights and the growl of The Stalker.

Amnesia: The Bunker is delightfully grey. 

The grey nature of the imprisoning claustrophobic tomb should have been as depressing as Birmingham City Centre. However, the WWI-specific design was well-considered. Furthermore, the half-mauled bodies and blood-splattered rooms captured the scene perfectly. If you then consider the hulking beast that stalks your every move, this game delivers on multiple levels. My only gripe was the clunky UI. Yet, this minor issue can be addressed with some practice. Consequently, it doesn’t undermine the end product.

The audio is cold, callous, and memorable. The blend of echoed ambient sounds and blood-chilling monster noises will haunt you. Though the unrealistic sci-fi nature of the beast was laughable, it worked incredibly well. Accordingly, you’ll shudder as the grunts and moans hone in on your position.

Clumsy controls. 

The controls were mostly suitable. Yet, the clunky reloading of your pistol and the arduous torchlight will drive you mad. Yes, both of these elements enhance the tension and despair, but they were frustrating and lacked polish as well. 

There is an array of puzzles and other core gameplay elements that change every playthrough. This random nature ensures that no run is ever the same. However, I’m not sure whether this would be enough to entice me back in. Subsequently, this has limited replay value and longevity. 

Amnesia: The Bunker is a short but worthwhile experience. 

Though Amnesia: The Bunker isn’t as far-fetched as its predecessor, it is still wonderfully absurd. Additionally, the core mechanics are petrifying, and you’ll be fearful of the dark once you’ve completed your playthrough. Disappointingly, though, it is far too short as you don’t get much change out of 7 hours of horror fun. Yet, despite this shortcoming, I recommend buying it here! Can you keep the lights on and escape your destiny? Find the fuel, solve the puzzles, and avoid The Stalker.


Amnesia: The Bunker is a fantastic horror experience. Moreover, it is reminiscent of Alien Isolation. Yet, a simple antagonist AI undermines the tension. Thankfully, the darkness and The Stalker keep you on your toes.

+ Sinister setting.
+ Cold audio.
+ Random gameplay.
+ The Stalker is petrifying.

- It is too short.
- The AI isn't good enough.

(Rating: PEGI 18 Extreme Violence, Strong Language Release date: 06/06/2023 Price: £20.99 or free on Game Pass)

(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, PC (Steam), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)

(Full disclosure! This review is based on a copy of the game being provided by the publisher/developer.)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Amnesia: The Bunker</em> is a fantastic horror experience. Moreover, it is reminiscent of <b>Alien Isolation</b>. Yet, a simple antagonist AI undermines the tension. Thankfully, the darkness and The Stalker keep you on your toes.</p><br/> + Sinister setting.<br/> + Cold audio.<br/> + Random gameplay.<br/> + The Stalker is petrifying.<br/> <br/> - It is too short.<br/> - The AI isn't good enough.<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 18 Extreme Violence, Strong Language <b>Release date:</b> 06/06/2023 <b>Price:</b> £20.99 or free on <b>Game Pass</b>)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, PC (Steam), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Full disclosure!</b> This review is based on a copy of the game being provided by the publisher/developer.)</p><br/>Review: Amnesia: The Bunker

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