ReviewsReview: Enclave - HD

Review: Enclave – HD


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Enclave – HD is the remake of the well-received 2002 title. This polished version retains much of the original charm. Consequently, it’ll divide modern audiences. If you love a janky retro experience, then this will float your boat. Alternatively, if you desire a deep and rich title with all the bells and whistles, then you’ll want to give this a miss.

Developed by Sickhead Games and Starbreeze Studios AB and published by TopWare Interactive, this is an action-adventure title. Moreover, there are some minor exploration elements and lashings of fighting and fantasy creatures. Accordingly, it takes a stab at creating a mystical world that doesn’t work by modern standards.

Something is hiding in the shadows.
Who is hiding in the shadows?

Enclave – HD: a tale of dark and light. 

The Dreg’Atar armies laid siege to the kingdom of Celenheim. As the war looked lost, a mighty wizard split the earth with a powerful spell. This act of defiance paused the war, but both sides’ fates had not been sealed. Instead, as time passed, the Dreg’Atar became increasingly angry. As such, they raised a monstrous army, crossed the rift, and set out to finish the job. However, one man can make a difference for either side. This person is the protagonist, and this is the role you undertake.

As the hero, you may choose to be a warrior of the light or a minion of the darkness. Both roles sound grandiose, however, in reality, there is little difference! Yes, there are obvious aesthetical differences. Yet, the gameplay is almost identical, and this was unfortunate. As a consequence, the action is repetitive and it would take a hardcore fan to enjoy both campaigns.

Rudimentary mechanics.

Enclave – HD utilises well-trodden and dated mechanics. In 2003, this wasn’t deemed a groundbreaking experience. Therefore, roll on 20 years, and the game somewhat lacks finesse. This isn’t an issue if you love a sense of nostalgia. However, younger gamers will find the core concept to be tiresome and dull.

Each campaign focuses on a set goal. You must traverse lifeless environments and battle small waves of creatures or humans. Furthermore, you must complete some basic puzzles and search for pots of gold. Once you reach the goal, the mission ends, a cutscene kicks in, and you move on. This rinse-and-repeat approach continues until the game’s finale. Accordingly, the first mission through to the last offered little originality, which was frustrating.

Forget your sword and use some magic.
It is time to use some magic.

New characters and weapons. 

In typical fantasy adventure fashion, the developers have attempted to mix things up. By introducing new characters, there is a break from the tedium. Yet, the central concept never changes and the strengths and weaknesses of each hero don’t add enough to the gameplay. 

Luckily, though, a small arsenal of weapons, shields, and magic items creates a sense of excitement. Yet, these items are locked until you find the gold on each level. Therefore, you must explore your surroundings if you wish to improve your gear. 

Enclave – HD has aged badly. 

Like a middle-aged person using Botex, Enclave – HD is mutton dressed as lamb. No matter how much HD polish they use, this still looks utterly shite. The awful textures, poor stage design, and woeful animation are laughable. This is before I discuss the character models! For reasons unknown, every character looks like a partially melted waxwork model. Now, I know this game is 20 years old, but this has aged appallingly.

Unfortunately, the same can be said about the audio. The wooden acting, poor soundtrack, and lame sound effects are atrocious. Thankfully, I spent most of my time chuckling as this proves how far gaming has evolved.

The hero is looking for a key.
Can you find the key?

Slash, slash, slash. 

I don’t mind the occasional hack ‘n slash game. But Enclave – HD is an action-adventure title. As such, when every combat experience is mindless button-bashing, I became frustrated. Disappointingly, there is no tactical nuance and some minor “kiting” is all you need. Alongside this, the hitboxes are awful. Subsequently, this forces you to spam the action button more than you’d like. Additionally, the controls are not responsive and the action feels clumsy. 

This has plenty of longevity, thanks to the 2 campaigns and the never-ending missions. Furthermore, there is plenty of gold to find if you want the best weapons. However, a lack of complexity and repetitive gameplay will put you off.

Enclave – HD misses the mark. 

I’m normally a lover of retro experiences. Yet, Enclave – HD misses the mark. Every layer of this game is dated and clumsy, and that was disappointing. Yes, I laughed much more than I expected, but I don’t think that was the desired result. Unfortunately, I can’t think of many positives and I can’t recommend that you buy it. However, more information can be found here! Will you bow to the darkness, or will you stand up for what’s right? Choose your side, find the gold, and complete every mission. 


Enclave - HD is a remake that disappointed me. This action-adventure title misses the mark and won't wow modern audiences. With dated graphics and dull audio, this is lacklustre at best. Thankfully, the replay value prevents it from scoring less than 5/10.

+ Fans of the original will enjoy this.
+ I laughed more than I should.
+ Plenty of replay value.
+ A great game if you want no depth and simple missions.

- Dated graphics.
- Poor audio.
- Lacklustre gameplay.
- Sluggish controls.
- It is too easy.

(Rating: PEGI 18 Extreme Violence Release date: 29/06/2023 Price: £14.99)

(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Enclave - HD</em> is a remake that disappointed me. This action-adventure title misses the mark and won't wow modern audiences. With dated graphics and dull audio, this is lacklustre at best. Thankfully, the replay value prevents it from scoring less than 5/10.</p><br/> + Fans of the original will enjoy this.<br/> + I laughed more than I should.<br/> + Plenty of replay value.<br/> + A great game if you want no depth and simple missions.<br/> <br/> - Dated graphics.<br/> - Poor audio.<br/> - Lacklustre gameplay.<br/> - Sluggish controls.<br/> - It is too easy.<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 18 Extreme Violence <b>Release date:</b> 29/06/2023 <b>Price:</b> £14.99)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)</p><br/>Review: Enclave - HD

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