ReviewsReview: Bot Gaiden

Review: Bot Gaiden


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Stupidly tough games aren’t for the faint of heart. Consequently, those who take on these mammoth games deserve a medal. Normally, whenever I hear about a cruel endeavour, I give it a wide birth. However, as a reviewer, I sometimes get caught out. As such, when that happens, I have to put on my big boy pants and get on with it. Unsurprisingly, when I was given Bot Gaiden to review, I winced. This fun, colourful, but tough title had me screaming from the first level.

Developed by Swordswipe Studios and Eastasiasoft Limited and published by the latter, this is a hardcore platform experience. What’s more, it is designed with cooperative action in mind. Subsequently, the action is easier and more enjoyable when played with another. However, sadly, rarely did this happen, and so I had to grit my teeth and bear it.

Bot Gaiden is all about fast movement and destructive power.
Leave destruction in your wake.

Bot Gaiden demands razor-sharp reactions.

Robyu and Bytron are ninja robots with a problem. Their power skulls have been stolen, and they must battle Giorqio’s 6 Hench-bots to recover them. Yet, this is easier said than done, as traps, enemies, and obstacles stand in your way. Furthermore, you have limited lives, an array of power-ups, and many other issues to contend with. Accordingly, completing Bot Gaiden is tough and will punish veteran gamers.

You’ll explore a range of worlds that are colourful and tough to traverse. Moreover, every enemy you face wants to kill you in any way they can. Therefore, you must use your razor-sharp reactions and nimble dexterity to complete each stage. But this isn’t all. No, each hero has a range of weapons to use that’ll tip the odds in their favour. With missiles, boomerangs, shurikens, and more, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Alongside this, you can use your ninja moves to leap gaps and annihilate your foes.

It's not every day that you get to see a horse with guns.
Just a horse with guns.

Limited lives, new abilities, and tough bosses. 

What makes Bot Gaiden particularly hard is its limited lives approach. Consequently, you are one step closer to failure every time you die. If you do perish, and you will, you restart at the last checkpoint. Yet, if you lose all your lives, the run is over, and you lose your progress. Now, this may seem pretty standard. However, when the gameplay is so harsh, it is a kick in the balls. 

If somehow you manage to complete a level, you are judged on your performance. If you excel, you’ll be awarded a powerful new ability. Alternatively, if you do OK, or you just scrape through, you’ll get a more appropriate prize. Thankfully, though, each ability helps you no matter how good they are. As such, each playthrough gets easier the better your hero becomes. 

Completing each stage isn’t an easy task. Once you’ve navigated the mountain of obstacles and enemies, you must face a gargantuan Hench-bot. These all-powerful machines are unfairly harsh and take something special to defeat them. Moreover, you’ll need to be on top of your game and master every skill if you want to stand a chance.

Bot Gaiden looks incredible.

Though I found Bot Gaiden to be cruel and unfair, I loved its presentation. Both the visuals and audio were incredible. With vivid and clean imagery, striking backdrops, and interesting sprites, it was spectacular. Furthermore, the combat animation and enormous bosses looked phenomenal. Consequently, the developers have delivered a wonderfully stunning game.

The audio adds depth to the excellent graphics. With aggressive music, loud sound effects, and futuristic noises, I fell for its charms. Moreover, its upbeat nature makes you forget about the cruel and repetitive drama that you must overcome.

Bot Gaiden is full of dark and ominous bosses.
This looks ominous.

Responsive controls. 

Had the controls been woeful, I’d have hated Bot Gaiden. However, the responsive and well-considered approach makes this tough game bearable. Furthermore, an easy-to-follow tutorial highlights the fundamentals during the first chapter. Subsequently, you’ll understand what must be done immediately.

Because of its sheer brutality, Bot Gaiden is overflowing with replay value. Moreover, the scoring system and the range of abilities will keep you going. On top of this, the harsh achievement list will taunt completionists from the off. 

Bot Gaiden is an excellent indie title. 

I adored this game. What’s more, the cooperative mechanics and excellent stage design make it moreish and fun. Alongside this, the striking graphics and loud audio are captivating. Yet, it is extremely tough to play solo, and this will put some gamers off. Accordingly, you’ll need a thick skin if you try to tackle this alone. However, I cherished the savagery and recommend that you buy it here! Can you find your power skulls? Jump, dive and fight your way to victory. 


Bot Gaiden is a phenomenal platform experience. Furthermore, it is better with a friend. Can you leap, roll, shoot, and fight your way to victory? Enjoy the colourful settings and the smooth arcade animation. It's a wonderful title that is perhaps unbalanced towards the solo player.

+ Fantastic graphics.
+ Excellent audio.
+ Responsive controls.
+ Plenty of replay value.
+ A great cooperative experience.

- It is very hard.
- The action needs some balancing.

(Rating: PEGI 7 Mild Violence, Fear Release date: 07/12/2022 Price:£12.49)

(Reviewed on Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, PC (Steam), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Bot Gaiden</em> is a phenomenal platform experience. Furthermore, it is better with a friend. Can you leap, roll, shoot, and fight your way to victory? Enjoy the colourful settings and the smooth arcade animation. It's a wonderful title that is perhaps unbalanced towards the solo player. </p><br/> + Fantastic graphics. <br/> + Excellent audio. <br/> + Responsive controls. <br/> + Plenty of replay value. <br/> + A great cooperative experience.<br/> <br/> - It is very hard. <br/> - The action needs some balancing. <br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 7 Mild Violence, Fear <b>Release date:</b> 07/12/2022 <b>Price:</b>£12.49)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, PC (Steam), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)</p><br/>Review: Bot Gaiden

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