ReviewsReview: Breakout: Recharged

Review: Breakout: Recharged


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The Recharged series is expanding rapidly and now comprises four titles. I have been lucky enough to play and review each one, and I love the arcade and nostalgic feel of each encounter. Every title follows a similar approach, and Centipede: Recharged, Black Widow: Recharged, Asteroids: Recharged, and now Breakout: Recharged brings old-school gaming to a new generation of players.

Developed by Adamvision Studios and SneakyBox and published by Atari, this is a retro arcade title. It reinvigorates the classic brick-breaking game with a modern lick of paint and high-powered utensils. It’ll tick all the boxes for arcade lovers while offering a new challenge to younger and more modern players. It is the perfect addition to the series and retains the brilliant mechanics that I’ve come to expect.

Breakout: Recharged doesn't go easy on the amount of bricks.
So many bricks to destroy.

Breakout: Recharged is brilliant.

Modern gaming is a wonderful thing! The action is expansive; the worlds are enormous, and there is more depth than you could ever imagine. However, there is always a place for retro titles. After all, Breakout captured people’s imaginations with its simple ways and addictive action. Luckily, Breakout: Recharged maintains this simple style, but it also adds a little modern-day magic.

No longer will gamers just bounce a ball around a small stage hoping to break a few blocks. Instead, you will overcome challenges, take on a fast-paced arcade mode, and infuse your paddle with awe-inspiring power-ups. In short, this is an arcade title with a Hollywood twist. Like the original, it is simple to pick up, but challenging to master. You will aim to hit the top of the leaderboard while destroying as many blocks as possible. You are given limited lives and when you lose them all, it’s game over. This do or die approach makes it difficult and addictive. Therefore, it’s a casual title that is hard to put down.

Blow up the bricks and avoid the traps in Breakout: Recharged
Destroy the bricks and avoid the traps.

It offers more.

The other Recharged games focus on two key modes; Arcade and Challenge. Breakout: Recharged, however, is different. Yes, it utilises those options at the heart of its gameplay, but it also maintains strong links to the original mechanics. Subsequently, it is more authentic than its other Recharged counterparts.

Its similarities, on the other hand, fall within the 50 challenges you must overcome, the never-ending arcade option, and the ability to play cooperatively or competitively. No matter which mode you select, the fundamentals remain the same. You must ping a ball around a fixed screen while trying to destroy every block you encounter. If you have power-ups activated, you will shoot a rail gun, control three balls at once, slow time, and more. The new abilities add a fun layer to the classic and addictive action that we’ve all come to love.

Unlike its peers, Breakout: Recharged isn’t as difficult. The other games in the series were challenging to overcome, and I struggled to get through every level. This one, however, was easy to finish. Consequently, I was left wanting much more! Sadly, a lack of depth or range of missions didn’t help the situation. Subsequently, the developers could have added more variety to up the ante while increasing the difficulty.

Breakout: Recharged looks fantastic.

I adore it when a game maintains its retro charms, however, at times I like to see a modern polish. Breakout: Recharged has been given a new lease on life thanks to its sharp lines and clean colours. Yes, the action is hectic, and at times, unbearable, but the buttery smooth graphics make it a joy to look at.

A fast-paced game needs a high-energy soundtrack, and that’s exactly what’s delivered. Furthermore, the classic sound effects have been retained to add to that feeling of nostalgia. It was easy to fall for its charms because of its futuristic noises, clean-cut imagery, and neon-infused colour palette. Its simplicity won’t appeal to everyone, but I enjoyed what I saw and heard throughout.

Breakout: Recharged has ridiculous weaponry.
It’s rail gun time.

Moving a paddle isn’t a complex task.

Unsurprisingly, it isn’t challenging to master! You are required to move your paddle, judge the pace of the balls in play, and use any power-ups you have collected. Thankfully, the responsive controls and simple button layout enhance the simplicity further. With minimal effort and a little patience, you’ll destroy every block in sight.

With three game modes to select from, the ability to play with or against friends and a global leaderboard to top, this has replay value and longevity. Yes, it isn’t as hard as its peers, but yet, it’s still addictive and it will get under your skin. On top of this, the moderate-sized achievement list will push you to achieve high scores and complete certain tasks.

Breakout: Recharged is a welcome addition.

I will always love retro gaming and I adore it when developers try something new. Consequently, the Breakout series will always tickle my fancy. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the authenticity of the original mode and the nostalgia-fuelled action. Disappointingly, though, it isn’t as hard as its counterparts and this left me wanting. I wish the developers had been more inventive with the challenges, as this would have made it much tougher and more enjoyable. Nevertheless, I liked it and I recommend you to buy it here! Will you beat every challenge and top the leaderboard? Destroy every block, gather the power-ups, and keep your balls in play.


Breakout: Recharged wonderfully blends classic gameplay with a modern edge. Complete the challenges, play the arcade mode, or tackle the classic option. It's brilliantly authentic but lacks the challenge of other games in the series.

+ Striking graphics.
+ High-energy audio.
+ Responsive controls.
+ Cooperative and solo action.
- Not as challenging as the rest of the series.

(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on PC, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation.)
Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:
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Breakout: Recharged wonderfully blends classic gameplay with a modern edge. Complete the challenges, play the arcade mode, or tackle the classic option. It's brilliantly authentic but lacks the challenge of other games in the series. <br/> <br/> + Striking graphics. <br/> + High-energy audio. <br/> + Responsive controls.<br/> + Cooperative and solo action. <br/> - Not as challenging as the rest of the series. <br/> <br/> (Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on PC, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation.)<br/>Review: Breakout: Recharged

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