Tag:raspberry pi

Raspberry Pi hit with manufacturing hiccup

After the pre-orders started last week everyone has been sitting patiently waiting for their Pi to arrive, now they are reporting a manufacturing hiccup so there will be a slight delay.

Arch Linux ARM available for download for Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi was finally made available for pre-order last week, and there are already downloads available.

Raspberry Pi Available to Order Now

Yesterday we told you that the Raspberry Pi guys would have an announcement this morning at 6am and we thought it would be ready to order! Well it was, and you can, but good luck in trying!

Raspberry Pi Available Tomorrow?

We mentioned Raspberry Pi early in January, now there will be some news tomorrow – assumingly the launch announcement.

An Update on Raspbmc – XBMC for Raspberry Pi

Earlier this month we told you about Raspbmc, now there is some more news.

Raspberry Pi Available by the End of February

We mentioned Raspberry Pi early in January, now they have said that it will be available by the end of the month.

XBMC for Raspberry Pi

We mentioned Raspberry Pi early in January, now they have said that XBMC is coming, although it’s not from either the Raspberry Pi guys or the XMBC guys!

Raspberry Pi PC Production Begins

We have talked about the Raspberry Pi on the DLS podcast from time to time, and now according to their blog production has begun.

Stay connected



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Review: Pacific Drive