ReviewsReview: Roxy Racoon's Pinball Panic

Review: Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic


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Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic attempts to retell the original platform adventure. However, instead of exploring an old-school world, you hit bumpers, targets, and bells in a giant pinball machine. This simplicity won’t be for everyone, but I loved the casual gameplay and its rudimentary nature.

This bizarre pinball game was developed by Sinomod Studios and published by Eastasiasoft Limited. Furthermore, it is a solo experience with a story mode, arcade gameplay, and some basic challenges. The variety of options increases the depth. Yet, the basic approach makes it easy to play. As such, it is perfect if you want some mindless fun.

Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic tells an unnecessary story. 

If you’ve read my other reviews, you know I love a good story. Consequently, I’m going against the grain when I state that this plot is unnecessary. Moreover, it has little influence on the gameplay, and I’m not sure how closely it represents the original title. However, I enjoyed the madness and went along for the zany ride.

A power-hungry and egotistical witch wishes to spread her dark magic. She believes that she is invincible and wants a challenge. Yet, she didn’t count on a little raccoon with the heart of a lion. This monochromatic beast will stop at nothing to defeat the witch and restore peace.

As you can see, the plot has very little to do with pinball. But this matters not as the action is fast-paced and addictive. What’s more, the occasional cutscenes were interesting to watch. 

Plenty of action.

Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic has 9 unique worlds to explore. Alongside this, there are 27 arcade games to try and plenty of cosmetics to unlock. Though much of the gameplay utilises the same mechanics, it was fun nevertheless.

Each round comprises a set number of lives and some witch-related tasks to complete. Additionally, you are expected to push for a high score. As the game unfolds, you will smash into bumpers, tilt the table, and hit an array of strange objects. Moreover, you must attempt to collect each of the witch’s jewels. Though this isn’t essential, it highlights your skills and is important if you are a completionist. 

Where Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic falls short is its repetitive gameplay. If you desire ever-changing action or a high degree of difficulty, then this won’t be the title for you. However, if you want to chill and unwind, then you’ll enjoy every minute. 

Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic won’t win any beauty awards. 

If you want a modern game that pushes next-gen machines to their max, then you had best look elsewhere. Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic is a typical indie title. The voxel-style cinematic and basic imagery won’t wow you. Moreover, the animation is a little sluggish and the textures are occasionally off. Yet, I liked the garish colour palette and the varied backdrops. Additionally, the developer has done a nice job with the cosmetics even if they don’t influence the action.

The audio is upbeat, aggressive, and dated. Accordingly, it works with the simple aesthetic. The noises are shrill, loud, and uncomfortable. However, I loved the energy they created and the cacophony of sounds.

Excellent controls. 

Pinball games need accurate and responsive controls. Thankfully, this delivers on both counts. The straightforward control layout is easy to master and I never experienced any input problems. As such, this is ideal for gamers of all ages and abilities. 

Another shortcoming was the lack of longevity. Yes, there are plenty of modes and worlds to conquer, but the gameplay is pretty repetitive. As such, you could tire of it quickly. Subsequently, I recommend playing this in small bursts.

Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic could have been better. 

Though I enjoyed playing Roxy Racoon’s Pinball Panic, it could have been better. The action was too repetitive, and the story didn’t flow. However, the responsive controls and casual nature make it pleasurable to play occasionally. Moreover, I liked the graphics and the audio. Therefore, I recommend buying it here! Can you defeat the witch? Examine each table, complete each objective, and save the day.


Roxy Racoon's Pinball Panic is a fun, casual experience. However, the repetitive action and lack of depth hold it back. If you love the genre, and you want an inexpensive distraction, then this is the game for you. Yet, don't expect too much depth or challenge.

+ A nice blend of colours.
+ Casual gameplay.
+ Upbeat audio.
+ Excellent controls.

- It is repetitive.
- The story was hit and miss.
- Dated visuals.

(Rating: PEGI 7 Mild Violence, Fear Release date: 12/06/2024 Price: £8.39)

(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)

(Full disclosure! This review is based on a copy of the game being provided by the publisher/developer.)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Roxy Racoon's Pinball Panic</em> is a fun, casual experience. However, the repetitive action and lack of depth hold it back. If you love the genre, and you want an inexpensive distraction, then this is the game for you. Yet, don't expect too much depth or challenge.</p><br/> + A nice blend of colours.<br/> + Casual gameplay.<br/> + Upbeat audio.<br/> + Excellent controls.<br/> <br/> - It is repetitive.<br/> - The story was hit and miss.<br/> - Dated visuals.<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 7 Mild Violence, Fear <b>Release date:</b> 12/06/2024 <b>Price:</b> £8.39)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Full disclosure!</b> This review is based on a copy of the game being provided by the publisher/developer.)</p><br/>Review: Roxy Racoon's Pinball Panic

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