GamingReview: Crown Wars: The Black Prince

Review: Crown Wars: The Black Prince

Nothing gives more of an X-COM feel as spending hours on customising your troop and loosing them in the next battle.


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“Crown Wars: The Black Prince” throws players to the tumultuous era of a burning, war torn medieval France, offering a tactical experience reminiscent of the acclaimed XCOM series. Choose which of the varying in playstyle families you’re fighting for, customise your emblem and assemble your squadron of valiant troops, each representing a unique class with distinct roles. Lead them into battles across a variety of dynamic environments and try not to get attached, as keeping them alive won’t be easy!

One of the game’s distinguishing features is its departure from the intense time pressure characteristic of XCOM. This allows for a more leisurely approach to troop management and resource gathering, as players can focus on developing their squad and upgrading their main base through side missions. While time does pass as you dispatch troops and undertake missions, the main missions offer a longer window of opportunity, providing players with greater flexibility in their strategic decisions. “”Crown Wars: The Black Prince” doesn’t wait around to jump in the action and after a cutscene throws the player into battle. First there’s act 1, which has the role of a tutorial that allows the player to get familiar with the games mechanics as well as slowly unlocking new buildings that provide many benefits to your growing band of alchemists, beast masters and many more. After completing the initial tutorial act the game will open up with random missions that pop up on the map for a couple days which range from killing all enemies to extracting prisoners. Those will yield valuable resources used for upgrading weapons and armour in the forge or various buildings around the base.

Visually, “Crown Wars: The Black Prince” immerses players in its richly detailed medieval setting. From the smouldering ruins of pillaged villages to the imposing walls of besieged castles, each battlefield is meticulously crafted to evoke the atmosphere of the era. On top of the typical use of destroyed buildings and carts as full of half cover, Crown Wars stands out with its inclusion of interactive elements. Among them are ballistae and catapults that add an extra layer of depth to the tactical combat, allowing players to leverage their surroundings to gain the upper hand against their foes.

Despite its strengths, the game currently sits at a 7/10 rating in my opinion. While the medieval setting and tactical gameplay are executed admirably, there’s room for improvement in terms of character customization and troop levelling. The current system feels somewhat limited, with only two skill trees per class and streamlined weapon options. However, with some adjustments and added variety, “Crown Wars: The black prince” has the potential to become the definitive XCOM-like experience that fans have been eagerly awaiting.

In conclusion, “Crown Wars: The black prince” offers a compelling blend of tactical depth and medieval atmosphere. With future updates addressing the concerns raised by players, it has the potential to ascend to the ranks of gaming greatness and become a must-play title for strategy enthusiasts everywhere.

“Crown Wars: The black prince” is available from May 23rd on all major platforms.


+Rewarding tactical gameplay .
+Well crafted setting and battlefields.
+Awesome looking customisation unlocked through progression.
-Levelling up troops is lacking in choice of skills.
-Story could be more engaging
Game reviewed on Steam.
Dawid Wisnia
Dawid Wisnia
Grew up on videogames and shaped into a massive RPG fan. But not matter how good an RPG gets , nothing beats finding a hidden indie gem that keeps you hooked for hours on end even though no one has ever heard of it.

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+Rewarding tactical gameplay . <br/ > +Well crafted setting and battlefields.<br/ > +Awesome looking customisation unlocked through progression.<br/ > -Levelling up troops is lacking in choice of skills.<br/ > -Story could be more engaging<br/ > Game reviewed on Steam.Review: Crown Wars: The Black Prince

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