ReviewsReview: Life of Delta

Review: Life of Delta


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Life of Delta is a bare-bones experience that somehow works. Its light-hearted dialogue juxtaposes the cruel post-apocalyptic setting. Additionally, the interesting, albeit simple puzzles never test you, but they feel rewarding nevertheless. This straightforward combination makes this a great title if you are new to the genre.

This point-and-click adventure was developed by Airo Games and published by Daedelic Entertainment. Moreover, it has plenty of puzzles and mini-games to complete. Accordingly, though it is relatively short, it is jam-packed with tasks, quests, and miscellaneous objectives.

Life of Delta tells a familiar but dramatic story. 

The plot sadly lacks originality. However, this didn’t bother me too much as you meet plenty of colourful characters. In typical post-apocalyptic fashion, you explore a destroyed and dangerous world. Yet, mankind is extinct and robots now rule the roost. Disappointingly, the roost is pretty shit, so, I’m happy for the mechs to have this small victory. 

You control Delta, a small service robot with a big problem. Unfortunately, his friend Joe has been taken by the “Pigs”, the “Po-Po”, and the “Rozzers”. Furthermore, he literally has been taken by a bunch of pigs. Your mission is to traverse a dangerous world, help fellow robots, and save your best friend.

Straightforward mechanics. 

Point-and-click games vary greatly! Some are brilliantly complex and testing. Whereas others are so basic that you are barely tested. Thankfully, Life of Delta sits smack bang in the middle. With a range of fetch quests to complete, and basic puzzles to overcome, there are some eureka moments. Moreover, the blend of mini-games and whacky characters will keep you going.

Unfortunately, some janky mechanics prevent Life of Delta from truly shining. Furthermore, a lack of guidance regarding the UI was frustrating. I wasted considerable time attempting to access my inventory and locating the perfect hitbox for certain puzzles. Disappointingly, this slowed things down while ruining the sense of immersion.

Had the developers incorporated a minor tutorial and some visual guidance, this problem wouldn’t have existed. It doesn’t ruin the game, per se, but it takes the shine off of an otherwise truly enjoyable experience. 

Life of Delta looks wonderful. 

Where this genre shines is its exceptional environments. Life of Delta rarely disappointed! The opening section allows you to explore a desolate and grim desert. This barren landscape is harsh, empty, and deadly. Yet, it is more welcoming than the overbearing skyscrapers of Megacity. This futuristic city is devoid of character, love, or empathy. Consequently, it is a bizarre setting for the titular hero to be reacquainted with his friend.

Alongside this, the colour palette blends vibrant tones with stark imagery. The burning planes, broken buildings, and destroyed robots are tough to look at. However, it serves as a cruel reminder that the Life of Delta is a sinister and tough post-apocalyptic adventure. 

I loved the visuals, but the audio is better, still. The brilliant ambient sounds add depth and drama to often slow progress. Additionally, the excellent soundtrack is fun to listen to. Subsequently, though there are plenty of low points, the music and the sound effects keep you going.

The controls could have been better. 

Though it performs admirably with a gamepad, it was still problematic to play. A lack of tutorials and visual guidance hinders your performance. Though this is a minor complaint, the issue could and should have been addressed. 

Sadly, Life of Delta is extremely short. If you are a genre aficionado, you’ll have this dusted off in around 4 hours. Furthermore, once you’ve overcome every problem and explored the grim world, there is no reason to return. Consequently, this lacks replay value and longevity. 

Life of Delta is short but sweet. 

Though this isn’t perfect, I enjoyed my time with it. The puzzles and mini-games are interesting, and the characters are colourful. Moreover, the dialogue is interesting and amusing and the setting is fascinating. However, its janky mechanics and lack of tutorial were disappointing. Yet, despite these shortcomings, I love it and recommend buying it here! Will you become a hero? Solve some puzzles, assist some robots, and save your friend.


Life of Delta is a touching and enjoyable point-and-click adventure. However, the short playtime and janky mechanics will disappoint. Yet, the beautiful audio, exceptional settings, and interesting puzzles override these shortcomings.

+ A stunning world to explore.
+ Dramatic audio.
+ Fun puzzles.
+ Amusing characters.

- Janky mechanics.
- No tutorial.
- It is not long enough.

(Rating: PEGI 7 Mild Violence Release date: 18/10/2023 Price: £16.99)

(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, PC (Steam, GOG), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)

(Full disclosure! This review is based on a copy of the game being provided by the publisher/developer.)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Life of Delta</em> is a touching and enjoyable point-and-click adventure. However, the short playtime and janky mechanics will disappoint. Yet, the beautiful audio, exceptional settings, and interesting puzzles override these shortcomings.</p><br/> + A stunning world to explore.<br/> + Dramatic audio.<br/> + Fun puzzles.<br/> + Amusing characters.<br/> <br/> - Janky mechanics.<br/> - No tutorial.<br/> - It is not long enough.<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 7 Mild Violence <b>Release date:</b> 18/10/2023 <b>Price:</b> £16.99)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox One, PC (Steam, GOG), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Full disclosure!</b> This review is based on a copy of the game being provided by the publisher/developer.)</p><br/>Review: Life of Delta

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