ReviewsReview: Spellforce: Conquest of Eo

Review: Spellforce: Conquest of Eo


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Spellforce: Conquest of Eo has clearly missed an age-old memo. The saying, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”, has been ignored. As such, this latest iteration moves away from the much-loved RTS foundations and plumps for a turn-based alternative. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the twist in the action. However, fans of the franchise may not be so forgiving.

This turn-based fantasy title was developed by Owned by Gravity and published by THQ Nordic. Moreover, it has some incredible RPG-style quests and some impressive unit customisation. Additionally, it twists many much-loved mechanics to create a unique and unusual gameplay experience.

Spellforce: Conquest of Eo tells a familiar tale.

If you love the fantasy genre, you’ll be familiar with every clichéd moment and over-the-top storyline. Yet, no matter how many times you hear them, you don’t care! It is the unbelievable madness and the weird and wonderful characters that make this genre work. What’s more, a heavy dose of magic and a cruel and unforgiving antagonist help to get your juices flowing.

You are an apprentice mage who must complete his Master’s work. The other powerful wizards wish to dominate the world of Eo, but you cannot let that happen. Instead, you have a tough decision to make. Will you develop your mage tower and destroy the mages of the Circle, or will you align the powers to create a unified force? Either way, it is a hell of a journey.

A battle with some enormous foes.
How will you take them down?

Who will you be?

Spellforce: Conquest of Eo has 3 predesigned mages to pick from. Alternatively, you can create your own if you desire. Necromancer, Alchemist, or Artificer are your main choices. Unsurprisingly, each utilises a contrasting playstyle and this ensures that no playthrough is ever the same. Moreover, you must create and customise an army that complements each leader. Consequently, there is a high degree of tactical nuance if you wish to get things right.

Though each mage type is different, some similarities ease the learning curve. No matter who you choose, you are expected to search for resources and blend ingredients to craft items and improve your units. What’s more, unlike other 4X titles, Spellforce: Conquest of Eo makes you move your base/tower to different locations. This was an unusual mechanic that would take veterans by surprise.

Exploring the world.

Moving your tower was a bizarre idea that worked extremely well. Instead of building a base and expanding your empire, your empire moved with you. This twist on familiar tropes complements the new vision for the franchise. Additionally, it made it easier when harvesting resources or moving to key locations. 

Alongside this, you are expected to traverse the map to complete any quests or explore any adventure sites. Subsequently, you will need to be thorough and methodical if you wish to expand and thwart the never-ending threat of the Circle.

Mix the ingredients and craft some goods.
What will you craft?


Depending on which protagonist you select, your approach to combat will change dramatically. Moreover, the basic structure of your army will be vastly different and this creates many layers of tactical nuance. Furthermore, as you uncover powerful relics and discover immense items, you can turn the tide of any fight in your favour.

Though each short, sharp battle is enjoyable, there is a steepish learning curve that takes some getting used to. Yet, after a few hours of trial and error, things settle down and you can start to destroy anything that crosses your path.

Spellforce: Conquest of Eo is distinctly old-school.

I loved the grim and earthy aesthetics. Moreover, the UI was impressive, and the large map was interesting to explore. Alongside this, the combat limitations are easy to understand and this makes it simple to play on console. On top of this, I adored the character models and the exquisite details. As such, though this doesn’t break the mould, I loved its old-school graphics and its straightforward approach.

The atmospheric audio will divide opinions. Unfortunately, it was somewhat repetitive and this was jarring/annoying when playing for extended periods. Moreover, the sound effects lacked variety and this compounded the issue. Yet, in short bursts, the audio was great. Sadly, this isn’t a casual experience, and the issues will get under your skin.

Time for another battle.
This looks messy.

Excellent controls.

Though Spellforce: Conquest of Eo has a steep learning curve, the controls were excellent. An easy-to-understand tutorial talks you through the fundamentals. Additionally, a simple control layout is easy to follow. Accordingly, it works extremely well when using a gamepad.

This isn’t your standard 4X title. As such, it won’t get under your skin like its peers. Instead, the strengths and weaknesses of each protagonist and the varied troops ensure that you will want to play this more than once.

Spellforce: Conquest of Eo will divide opinions.

I wasn’t sure about the move from RTS to turn-based action. However, I think it works particularly well. Furthermore, I loved the exploration mechanics, the challenging combat, and the customisation options. Alongside this, the RPG quests were interesting and the action felt balanced and fair. Yet, the audio wasn’t great and the twists in familiar gameplay tropes will annoy some gamers. Consequently, it may not be for everyone, but I love it. As such, I recommend that you buy it here! Can you complete your Master’s work? Pick your power, develop your army, and unleash the greatest spell the world has ever seen.


Spellforce: Conquest of Eo is a turn-based strategy title that tries something new. However, it should have stuck with tried and tested mechanics. Yet, the change in genre is enjoyable and I loved the tactical nuance and the varied playstyles.

+ Grim and earthy aesthetics.
+ Plenty of playstyles.
+ Excellent controls.
+ Loads of replay value.
+ Interesting exploration mechanics.

- The audio wasn't great.
- A challenging learning curve.
- The twist on gameplay tropes won't appease everyone.

(Rating: PEGI 12 Bad Language, Violence Release date: 07/11/2023 Price: £24.99)

(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox Series S, PC (Steam and GOG), and PlayStation 5)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Spellforce: Conquest of Eo</em> is a turn-based strategy title that tries something new. However, it should have stuck with tried and tested mechanics. Yet, the change in genre is enjoyable and I loved the tactical nuance and the varied playstyles.</p><br/> + Grim and earthy aesthetics.<br/> + Plenty of playstyles.<br/> + Excellent controls.<br/> + Loads of replay value.<br/> + Interesting exploration mechanics.<br/> <br/> - The audio wasn't great.<br/> - A challenging learning curve.<br/> - The twist on gameplay tropes won't appease everyone.<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 12 Bad Language, Violence <b>Release date:</b> 07/11/2023 <b>Price:</b> £24.99)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on the Xbox Series X. Also available on Xbox Series S, PC (Steam and GOG), and PlayStation 5)</p><br/>Review: Spellforce: Conquest of Eo

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