ReviewsReview: Blood West

Review: Blood West


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Blood West is a title that I got to test at Develop: Brighton. However, its limited gameplay didn’t leave too much to the imagination. Well, roll on several months and the developers have added plenty of content to a cruel but enjoyable experience. Consequently, there are now 3 chapters to “enjoy” and many despicable creatures to annihilate en route. As such, there is enough to turn your stomach and entertain you for hours.

This first-person shooter was developed and published by Hyperstrange. What’s more, it focuses heavily on slow stealth mechanics. Accordingly, if you love a run-and-gun experience, this will not be for you. However, if you can slow things down and think methodically, then you’ll adore every ball-breaking moment.

The hero is hiding in the shadow. However, an ominous figure approaches.
I think you best start running.

Blood West tells a tale of despair.

Being trapped in a personal prison is a horrific endeavour. However, this is exactly what awaits the Undead Gunslinger! This gruff hero is doomed to walk the barren lands unless he can purge his curse and free his soul. Yet, this isn’t easy as everything is out to kill him and death is just around the corner. Consequently, you must use your mind and savvy to overcome obstacles, avoid monsters, and survive to fight another day.

Alongside this, 3 enormous bosses must be destroyed if you wish to be successful. To say these abominations are tough and cruel is an understatement. Furthermore, defeating them requires a lot of luck and plenty of tactical nuance. Subsequently, you must be prepared to fail and learn from your mistakes. Additionally, you must be patient and improve the hero’s talents if you want to make your life easier.

Freedom to explore.

Where Blood West excels is its vast open world and the freedom to explore. Moreover, there are masses of collectables and plenty of safe places to trade and improve your character. However, finding valuable items and completing quests is no mean feat. Unfortunately, there are swathes of undead monstrosities that stand between you and success. Subsequently, you must stay hidden and kill them without raising their suspicion.

This stealthy approach requires a reset of modern gaming practices. Instead of running in all guns blazing, you must calculate every risk. However, if you wish to be a hero, you can expect to die and increase your chances of becoming cursed. When this happens, you’ll hinder your progress and undertake arduous tasks to remove each curse. Sadly, this is almost unavoidable, and only the best players will tackle this without weakening the protagonist.

Reach a safe place and trade for new goods.
You’ve made it to a safe place.

Blood West is a gory-pixelated dream.

Though the blocky pixelated finish may put some gamers off, I adored the old-school approach and the crisp UI. Furthermore, the stealth bar was easy to follow even if it was a little basic. Accordingly, it lacks complexity as players must simply focus on a line of visibility and the sound of their footsteps. Yet, this understated mechanic doesn’t undermine the action, even if it is undeniably retro in its design.

Each chapter utilises a unique approach with various monsters to destroy, What’s more, the open world is large, grim, and oppressive. Consequently, though the finish is dated, this doesn’t detract from a wonderfully atmospheric title.

The grim audio complemented this sinister feeling. The aggressive and often OTT soundbites and sound effects enhance the drama. Moreover, the brilliantly gruff acting is wonderfully ridiculous whilst adding to the insane spectacle.

One bullet, no head!
Don’t lose your head!

Excellent controls.

The often slow-paced action allows you to familiarise yourself with the controls. However, the brutal learning curve will have you cursing and shouting more than you’d like. The excellent control layout was simple to understand and straightforward to master. Yet, the slow nature of the gameplay often frustrates you as your weapon takes forever to reload. As such, you must consider this whenever you tackle any enemies.

Thanks to the exploration elements, Blood West offers plenty of depth and replay value. Furthermore, the talent tree enables you to tailor your hero to your play style. Additionally, the cruel bosses test your ability and skills as they repeatedly slaughter you. Consequently, you’ll “enjoy” 20 or more hours in this hellish and sinister world.

Blood West is a gruesome indie title.

I love it when a developer throws a curveball. Blood West does just that with its slow and unforgiving gameplay. Furthermore, its retro pixelated style and obnoxious audio tweak those nostalgia-fuelled heartstrings. My only complaint is the sheer brutality of the learning curve. Yet, if you can forgive this element, you’ll enjoy one hell of an indie title. Accordingly, I recommend that you buy it here! Can you escape the barren lands and purge your curse? Complete the quests, kill the bosses, and survive for as long as possible.


Blood West is a cruel and tough stealth FPS. Moreover, its retro approach and slow-gameplay will appeal to older gamers. However, its brutal learning curve will put off many would-be fans.

+ Excellent stage design.
+ A retro appeal.
+ Sinister audio.
+ Easy-to-understand controls.
+ An interesting talent tree.

- The brutal learning curve is challenging.
- Slower action won't be for everyone.

(Rating: n/a Release date: 5/12/2023 Price: £20.99)

(Reviewed on PC using Steam. Only available on PC)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Blood West</em> is a cruel and tough stealth FPS. Moreover, its retro approach and slow-gameplay will appeal to older gamers. However, its brutal learning curve will put off many would-be fans.</p><br/> + Excellent stage design.<br/> + A retro appeal.<br/> + Sinister audio.<br/> + Easy-to-understand controls.<br/> + An interesting talent tree.<br/> <br/> - The brutal learning curve is challenging.<br/> - Slower action won't be for everyone.<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> n/a <b>Release date:</b> 5/12/2023 <b>Price:</b> £20.99)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on PC using Steam. Only available on PC)</p><br/>Review: Blood West

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