ReviewsReview: Make Way

Review: Make Way


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Make Way epitomises every fine element of a competitive racer. Moreover, its action seamlessly blends the madness of Fall Guys with the moreish nature of Micro Machines. As such, once you start playing this, it is tough to put down.

This top-down racer was developed by Ice BEAM and published by Secret MODE. What’s more, it can be enjoyed alone or competitively with 3 others. Accordingly, this hellish game will have you screaming, laughing, and falling out with your friends.

It is time to build the track.
Build that track!

Make Way tests you. 

Though Make Way is simple to understand, the action was surprisingly taxing. Every playthrough is different, and every race evolves at lightning speed. Accordingly, you must be alert, pay attention, and bring your A-game if you wish to succeed. 

The aim of this title is straightforward. You either compete with 3 friends or 3 NPC racers. During each event, you must score 3000 points to win. If you pass through every checkpoint, destroy your foes or complete stunts, you’ll earn points. However, you must be aware that death will impact your score, and everyone and everything is out to destroy you.

Time to win that race.
And the race begins.

A simple gameplay loop. 

At the start of each race, a handful of track pieces, obstacles, and traps are available. Players must pick the one they want and construct the course ahead. Consequently, you’ll endure a helter-skelter track of madness. Whether there are loop de loops, chasms, sharp corners, or U-turns, you must deal with it. Additionally, traps, boost pads, and obstacles make things harder still. 

Alongside this, there are an array of vehicles to unlock, weapons to wield, and track pieces to earn. As such, the game is constantly evolving and this adds to the excitement. Each race can be over in a flash or last forever. Subsequently, this is where the tactics and fun begin. You can team up and try to destroy the best player. Alternatively, you can go it alone and hope that luck is on your side. 

Make Way looks great. 

The top-down perspective was fantastic. Furthermore, your field of view is restricted, so this tests your memory and reactions. This was a brilliant choice that enhanced the drama. Additionally, I loved the vibrant colours and the variety of track pieces. Moreover, the cars looked great and every explosion and shot fired was impressive.

The audio followed suit. The upbeat soundtrack was complemented by the insane sound effects. Accordingly, the engines were loud, and every weapon was crass. As such, even when you die, you can’t escape the madness.

Can you loop de loop?
Can you loop de loop?

Exceptional controls. 

I know the whole mouse and keyboard vs controller debate is fiery. However, Make Way focuses on the latter input. As such, the layout was intuitive, and it was easy to pick up and play. Furthermore, the controls were exceptional and this made it an enjoyable experience. 

Every race is unique! What’s more, there are several game modes to unlock as well. Subsequently, you can increase the difficulty, remove the barriers, and change plenty more settings. This was an excellent choice by the developers as it enhances both longevity and replay value.

Make Way is the new Micro Machines

For years, Micro Machines has been considered an exceptional indie racer. Yet, I believe Make Way has taken that mantle! This amazing indie title blew my mind thanks to its zany action and simple approach. Furthermore, its gameplay will enrage you so much that you’ll laugh, cry, and scream at your friends. Consequently, it is wonderfully brutal, unbelievably enjoyable, and a must-play title. I loved this game and I recommend that you buy it here! It is the winning, not the taking part that counts. Bash, shoot, and destroy your opponents in this insane racing game.


Make Way is a crazy racing game that can be enjoyed alone or with others. Moreover, the insane action doesn't stop until there is a winner. Therefore, you must build a never-ending race course that is filled with stunts, traps, weapons, and brutal corners. It is maddening, challenging, but oh so addictive.

+ Vibrant graphics.
+ A limited field of view.
+ Upbeat audio.
+ Excellent controls.
+ Loads of replay value.

- Online lobbies can be slow.
- A repetitive gameplay loop.

(Rating: PEGI 3 Release date: 04/12/2023 Price: £12.99)

(Reviewed on PC using Steam. Also available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5)

Daniel Waite
Daniel Waite
My gaming career started on an Amiga and spans many consoles! Currently, I game using an MSI laptop and Xbox Series X. A fan of every genre, I love to give anything a go. Former editor and reviewer for, I'm loving my new home here at Movies Games and Tech. I can be contacted for gaming reviews on the following email:
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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Make Way</em> is a crazy racing game that can be enjoyed alone or with others. Moreover, the insane action doesn't stop until there is a winner. Therefore, you must build a never-ending race course that is filled with stunts, traps, weapons, and brutal corners. It is maddening, challenging, but oh so addictive.</p><br/> + Vibrant graphics.<br/> + A limited field of view.<br/> + Upbeat audio.<br/> + Excellent controls.<br/> + Loads of replay value.<br/> <br/> - Online lobbies can be slow.<br/> - A repetitive gameplay loop.<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(<b>Rating:</b> PEGI 3 <b>Release date:</b> 04/12/2023 <b>Price:</b> £12.99)</p><br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on PC using Steam. Also available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5)</p><br/>Review: Make Way

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