Christmas 2023Review: Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Review: Super Mario Bros. Wonder


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Prince Florian has invited Mario and his friends to visit, but a familiar foe drops in uninvited! As his army crashes the party, Bowser steals a Wonder Flower and merges with Prince Florian’s castle, transforming him into a floating fortress!

As the power of the Wonder Flower quickly spreads across the kingdom, all kinds of weird and wonderful things start to happen. With the Castle Bowser now on the loose, it’s up to the Mushroom Kingdom crew to save the day!

Super Mario Bros. Wonder takes players on a fun filled nostalgic adventure through the Flower Kingdom. As a long-time fan of the Mario games, I couldn’t resist diving into this latest addition. And by me, I mean by trusty 7 year old helper who is a huge Mario fan and was more desperate than I was to play it!

One of the standout aspects of Super Mario Bros. Wonder is its enchanting visuals. The game beautifully blends the classic pixel art style of the original Super Mario Bros. with modern graphics, creating a visually stunning and vibrant world. Each level is uniquely designed with a meticulous attention to detail, reminiscent of the nostalgic charm that made the series so loved by all.

The gameplay in Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a delightful mix of old and new. While it maintains the traditional side-scrolling platformer mechanics, it introduces innovative power-ups and surprises at every turn. When you collect a Wonder Flower literally anything can happen – and that’s half the fun right there.

My trusty helpful got a massive kick out of transforming into Elephant Mario after eating the Elephant Fruit! There are others too, but I won’t spoil them for you. You can choose from 12 different characters to play – obviously Mario, Peach, and a whole host of others, more than any other Super Mario Bros. game so far.

The controls are incredibly responsive, providing a smooth and satisfying experience as you guide Mario through challenging obstacles and enemies.

What sets Super Mario Bros. Wonder apart from the other Super Mario Bros. games is its captivating sense of wonder (see what I did there?). The game introduces mind-bending twists, gravity-defying sections, and levels that shift in unexpected ways. These elements inject a fresh breath of creativity into the formula, keeping players engaged and eager to explore every nook and cranny.

There are badges in the game which when collected can be used to unlock unique skills and rewards, which in turn makes the game even more fun!

The soundtrack of Super Mario Bros. Wonder is an absolute delight. Packed with nostalgic melodies and new tunes that perfectly complement the gameplay, the music adds another layer of immersion to the overall experience. Each track triggers a wave of nostalgia, reminding players of the countless hours spent playing the original games.

My time with Super Mario Bros. Wonder was truly a memorable experience, blending nostalgia with innovative gameplay. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or new to Super Mario, this game offers an engaging and delightful journey that will leave you with a smile on your face (it certainly did for my trusty helper and me).

You can play on your own, or with friends either locally or online – the choice is yours.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a love letter to the fans, paying homage to the franchise’s roots while infusing it with a fresh and imaginative twist. With its stunning visuals, responsive controls, and captivating gameplay, it captures the essence of what makes Mario games so enjoyable. If you’re ready for a nostalgic trip with a touch of wonder, don’t miss out on this delightful adventure. Did I mention the nostalgia?


Super Mario Bros. Wonder breathes fresh air into a long running series, bringing fun and nostalgia for new and old players alike.

+ Brilliant music
+ Lots of interesting and unique levels
+ New abilities
+ Lots of characters to choose from
+ So much fun!
+ Nostalgia

- A different voice for Mario

(Reviewed on Nintendo Switch)

Andrew Edney
Andrew Edney
I am the owner and editor of this site. I have been interested in gadgets and tech since I was a little kid. I have also written a number of books on various tech subjects. I also blog for The Huffington Post and for FHM. And I am honoured to be a Microsoft MVP since January 2008 - again this year as an Xbox MVP.

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<p class="has-text-align-justify" style="font-size:14px"><em>Super Mario Bros. Wonder</em> breathes fresh air into a long running series, bringing fun and nostalgia for new and old players alike.</p><br/> + Brilliant music<br/> + Lots of interesting and unique levels<br/> + New abilities<br/> + Lots of characters to choose from<br/> + So much fun!<br/> + Nostalgia<br/> <br/> - A different voice for Mario<br/> <br/> <p class="has-text-align-center" style="font-size:10px">(Reviewed on Nintendo Switch)</p><br/>Review: Super Mario Bros. Wonder

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