TechTop Tools to Incorporate AI into your Operation

Top Tools to Incorporate AI into your Operation


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The world is changing and so is the way you work. AI has been around for a while now, but it’s only recently that it has become accessible to businesses large and small. In this article, you’ll look at top tools that can help you incorporate the power of AI into your operations:


An AIOps platform is an AI solution that uses deep learning algorithms to predict a company’s operational performance. It’s based on past data and can be used for various applications, such as predicting customer behavior or identifying trends in your business.

The AIOps platform analyzes large amounts of data from your business over time to identify patterns in those patterns and make predictions based on those patterns. 

According to Micro Focus experts, “AIOps is the multi-layered application of big data analytics and machine learning to IT operations data.”

For example, suppose you’re trying to improve customer retention rates. In that case, an AIOps platform may analyze historical information about customers who have canceled their service with your company in order to identify what factors typically lead up to cancellations (for example number of hours per week that each customer uses).


Alpine is a tool that uses AI to help businesses make better decisions. The software can help you manage your business by providing insights into your data, and it can also help you make more informed decisions about your business.

As an example: Alpine could be used to determine the most profitable product mix for any given month of the year. This would consider not just what products sold well historically but also weather patterns, seasonality trends, and other factors that may affect how many units of each product were bought during different times of year (or even at different times within each day).

Digital Genius

Digital Genius is a tool that allows you to create chatbots for your website. Using Digital Genius, you can create chatbots for your business or product. Your customers and users will then be able to interact with these chatbots on your website via text messaging.

With Digital Genius, users will be able to ask questions and receive answers in real-time. This means that they’ll be able to ask questions like: “What is the address of this restaurant?” or “What hours are they open?”

Saffron Natural Intelligence Platform

Saffron is a natural language processing platform that can be used to analyze text, images, video and audio. It can also be used for business intelligence, customer service and sales/marketing automation. The tool allows you to automate workflows using chatbots.

With Saffron, you can use a drag-and-drop interface and integrate it with other platforms such as Gmail or Salesforce. The platform uses machine learning technology that gets better as it processes more data (it learns from its mistakes).

There are a lot of tools out there that can help you incorporate AI into your operations. So you just have to find the best one for your business, and then it will be easy to get started with the implementation process.

Andrew Edney
Andrew Edney
I am the owner and editor of this site. I have been interested in gadgets and tech since I was a little kid. I have also written a number of books on various tech subjects. I also blog for The Huffington Post and for FHM. And I am honoured to be a Microsoft MVP since January 2008 - again this year as an Xbox MVP.
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