GamingInfinite Crisis: Gaslight Catwoman and Poison Ivy profile videos...

Infinite Crisis: Gaslight Catwoman and Poison Ivy profile videos released


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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has released two new Champion Profile videos for Infinite Crisis, giving fans an in-depth look at Poison Ivy and Gaslight Catwoman.

Infused with plant toxins in a dangerous biomedical experiment, Poison Ivy exerts surprising control over plants to dominate the battlefield from afar. She supports her team with healing and shields while disrupting enemies with her plants.

Here is her profile video:


Gaslight Catwoman uses her assassin training and razor sharp claws to protect the weak by tearing apart the corrupt.  A master of stealth, tracking, and assassination, she excels at catching enemies at low health and finishing them off.

Here is her profile video:

What do you think of them? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

Andrew Edney
Andrew Edney
I am the owner and editor of this site. I have been interested in gadgets and tech since I was a little kid. I have also written a number of books on various tech subjects. I also blog for The Huffington Post and for FHM. And I am honoured to be a Microsoft MVP since January 2008 - again this year as an Xbox MVP.

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