NewsSony VAIO T13 Ultrabook pictures and hands-on

Sony VAIO T13 Ultrabook pictures and hands-on


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Back at the start of this month we told you about Sony’s entry into the Ultrabook market, the new VAIO T13. Well we got to see it up close and personal and get some hands-on time with it.

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The T13 has a 13 inch screen (hence the 13 bit) and comes with either an SSD or a hybrid HDD/SSD. In terms of battery life, the SSD will get around 9 hours and the hybrid will get around 7 hours.

The T13 will also come with a full copy of Adobe Acrobat X

The T13 will be available “ready made” in Sony’s Online Store, but there will be many variations, including an 11” version, so it would be best to check out Sony’s Configure to Order service before pushing the button.

Having got a chance to use the T13, I have to say that I really like it. I want to test it out for a much longer period, and use it the way I would use it, but so far I am impressed.

It is thin, light-weight, and has that Sony “look” about it. It has a beautifully clear display (1366×768) with a wide (16:9) ratio. There is an HD web camera mounted as part of the screen (its 1.31 megapixels). It also felt very solid, and that included the screen. I have owned and used a number of Sony VAIO’s over the years and one thing that I have found is that some models feel a little flimsy – this is certainly not the case here!

The model I got to try had an Intel Core i3-2367M processor, 4GB RAM and a 320GB HDD. This particular model starts at around £679 and goes up from there, so if you wanted more memory and an SSD instead of the HDD then the price does jump up a fair bit.

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There are a number of ports available on the T13, including USB 3.0 with charge capabilities and standard USB 2.0.

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There is also an HDMI port, and all the usual ports you would come to expect including a card reader.

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Here are some more pictures of the VAIO T13:

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The T13 will be available from early June, and I cant wait to try it some more! For Sony’s first entry into the Ultrabook market, I think they may be on to a winner!

Andrew Edney
Andrew Edney
I am the owner and editor of this site. I have been interested in gadgets and tech since I was a little kid. I have also written a number of books on various tech subjects. I also blog for The Huffington Post and for FHM. And I am honoured to be a Microsoft MVP since January 2008 - again this year as an Xbox MVP.

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