TechAndroidAmazon Kindle App for Android Updated to 3.4.0

Amazon Kindle App for Android Updated to 3.4.0


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The Amazon Kindle app for Android has been updated, and with it finally comes real page numbers.

amazon kindle android

I use the Kindle app all the time on my iPad to read books and I know a number of people who use it on their Android devices, so it is really good to see that real page numbers are finally being used!

What’s New in v3.4.0

• Reduced app size

• Real page numbers: track your progress with page numbers that match the printed book. Available for thousands of titles from the Kindle store.

Download the Amazon Kindle app from the Android Market
Andrew Edney
Andrew Edney
I am the owner and editor of this site. I have been interested in gadgets and tech since I was a little kid. I have also written a number of books on various tech subjects. I also blog for The Huffington Post and for FHM. And I am honoured to be a Microsoft MVP since January 2008 - again this year as an Xbox MVP.

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