TechMicrosoftWindows 8 To Include Media Center

Windows 8 To Include Media Center


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Steven Sinofsky today confirmed that Media Center will be included in Windows 8.  Read on for details!


Steven Sinofsky is in charge of development for Windows 8 and he has been blogging lately.  Today, he posted up an interesting tidbit or two about Windows 8 and confirmed that Media Center will be included.  Here is what he said:

Media Center

While not a central topic of feedback, I received about 50 emails about Media Center. I want to reassure customers that Media Center will definitely be part of Windows 8. No doubt about it. Knowing how strong the support for Media Center is among pre-release testers, we still have work to do to make sure the quality and compatibility with add-ins is what you would expect even in pre-release (as with any release of Windows, compatibility is a major effort and when we work on the underlying video engine, as one example, we have to make sure features that push these areas receive adequate coverage).

In the coming months, many folks will be testing pre-release builds of Windows 8. As everyone knows, two things are always the case early on. First, the software is not done and things will change—features will be added and removed. Second, the different editions or SKUs are not developed or announced until late in the development process (closer to market availability).

Media Center will not be part of the first pre-release builds. Some other features/capabilities will not be in the first pre-release builds including: Windows 7 games, DVD Creator, upgrade setup, Dot Net 3.5 (Note there are perhaps a couple of other relatively low profile items but just wanted to hit the major ones here). These are engineering decisions as well as business decisions.

As we get closer to market availability, we will make sure to explain how not just these specifically but all features of the product will be made available. As an aside, it is early to start the dialogue about a preference for one SKU with Windows. We’re well aware of this feedback and we always need to balance it with the feedback from our business partners who value a different approach. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Interestingly, the feedback about Media Center was predominantly “we will pay extra, just include it” based on the input directly to me. Today Media Center is part of “premium” SKUs for Windows, which means that is the case today.

Jim McCarthy
My tech interests include WHS, media streaming, and gaming, among others!


  1. Umm…I wonder how many power users use WMC…users that probably don’t opt into the call home. not sure I believe those results.

  2. I bet fewer than 6% of Windows 7 users use Windows Backup……

    Subtract business computers from your stats. I don’t use media center while I’m at work and I’m sure nobody else in my office is either. I have 3 computers at home but only use Media Center on one very frequently but I consider Media Center a must have in any future version of Windows. I’m glad it’s going to be in Windows 8.

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