GamingTwo Minute Review of the Xbox 360 S 250GB...

Two Minute Review of the Xbox 360 S 250GB Hard Drive


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Do you have the 4GB Xbox 360 S? Do you feel the need to increase that storage? If so, you need the 250GB Hard Drive upgrade, and here is our two minute review.

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Play, watch, save, store–expand your entertainment possibilities. The massive 250GB hard drive has plenty of space for games, Games on Demand, game demos and add-ons plus so much more. It’s the easiest way to get the most from your Xbox 360.

What’s in the Box?

Along with the drive itself, the only other box contents are a series of instructions in various languages.

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A Closer Look

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Fitting the Drive

Fitting the drive is incredibly simple. Unplug your Xbox and press the little recessed button to open the panel.

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Remove the panel.

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Slide the new drive into the slot.

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Then just put the panel back on. That’s it – you don’t have to do anything else, the 250GB is now available as storage for your Xbox to use.

Final Thoughts

Depending on how often you play with your Xbox 360 S, if you only have the 4GB version then you will soon notice that space fill up, especially if you are a frequent Xbox Live user.

This is where the 250GB hard drive comes in very handy, and it is so simple to fit that anyone can do it and it takes longer to unplug the Xbox than it does to fit it!

A couple of things to watch out for….

  • this drive only works with the Xbox 360 S
  • there seems to be a lot of “bootleg” versions of the drive available, which apparently are slower and may cause you problems, so just be careful and make sure you buy the official Microsoft one

There is also a 320GB version of the drive available now in the US (just not in the UK yet).


Andrew Edney
Andrew Edney
I am the owner and editor of this site. I have been interested in gadgets and tech since I was a little kid. I have also written a number of books on various tech subjects. I also blog for The Huffington Post and for FHM. And I am honoured to be a Microsoft MVP since January 2008 - again this year as an Xbox MVP.


  1. No shit! being the advertised 4 gig is only 1/2 of what you get, after clearing the cach file and deleting the installed arcade games ect..I still only have 2.2 gig’s of free space, thats false advertisement! or I got a bad hard drive! I removed my old 10 gig h.d. from the shell and installed it, now I have 12 gig combined ohh boy, finished mw3 campaign in less than 10 hrs on vet mode what a joke1

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